Monday, January 31, 2011

Suck it Up Buttercup! Race Recap

We chose to take our picture post-race. Our traditional post-race meal at Cracker Barrel! YUM! And onto the recap. . .

Well, this is how it went down. I got a text from my running buddy, Bobbie. It said something like this, "I signed you up for another virtual race. It has to be done by the 31st. Hope you don't mind." And of course, I didn't. I'm always up for a race, especially if she is running beside me.

So, we ran Sunday morning. The kicker??? We had an 8 mile run planned for our marathon training. So, we ran an easy 5 out on Bluegrass Pike to get in some hills because we are under the impression that if we are running The Flying Pig, we better train on hills. Then, we ran another 5K at our usual 5K race pace.

Both runs were pretty pleasant, considering this weekend was the first time we've had temperatures above freezing in the new year. At least it seems that way! This was also the first run I've done in the last month where there wasn't snow, slush, or something on the roads. It was a very pleasant run!

After we finished our 5, we stopped at the car and made some changes to our apparel and gear and got a sip of water. And, we were off! We ran from the Wellness Center into downtown Danville and back. It was a fabulous run for the both of us. We felt great and we both had great times for our runs, considering we've been making a conscious effort to slow down in order to train for our marathon. My ending time was 27 minutes and 48 seconds! Woo hoo! I'm glad we had a fabulous day to run! Thank you so much for hosting the race!


  1. Congratulations on running a strong virtual 5k on a beautiful day!

  2. Love your blog! I follow another blog called Weightless ( and like you, she's training for the Flying Pig...she's actually using part of the marathon course for her hill training, and just posted a blog about it within the last day or so, so I thought I'd let you know in case that helps with your training...good luck!!!

  3. Thank you for sharing Shawnna! And thank you Green Girl for being such a motivator!

  4. Girl you need to update !! Ha joking!!
    Of course you know I would do it but I gave you the stylish blogger award!!
