Thursday, February 9, 2012

BIG NEWS! And need some advice...

Yes, we are pregnant with our first child! We are so thoroughly excited!
I am still running, but haven't been as much due to being so tired. I'm hoping that can pick back up when I'm through my first trimester. Everything I've read tells me that my energy will pick back up, so we'll see! Hopefully it will because I'm scheduled to run a half marathon at the end of March.
Any advice on running pregnant?


  1. Congratulations! My advice is to run when you feel good and run as far into the pregnancy. Everyone is different. Lots of rest, pee breaks, hydration.

  2. ohh Congrats! Look up Runners World there was an article last year with all the big racers who were pregnant. It was pretty good. And read Run Like A Mother!

  3. How exciting! I love that picture too! :) Congratulations!!!
